Friday, July 23, 2010

The Arizona Heat

So we've been here 3 weeks now and I've learned 3 things about Arizona, all having to do with the heat.
1) My mom brought us a chocolate bar one of the first days we were here. By the time she left an hour later it had already started to melt on the counter. Now we keep our chocolate in the fridge or eat it as soon as we get it. Back when Trent and I were dating I thought it was so weird that he kept his chocolate chips in the freezer, but now I understand why!
2) I know I've been out in the heat too long when I get sluggish. I start to walk really slow. Trent and I were laughing about this b/c we were thinking, "Wouldn't you want to walk faster to get out of the heat?", but sometimes we just can't do it..haha.
3) When Trent and I are outside together it's usually too hot to hold hands.

Anyway, here are a few random pictures:

These are my new jellies and I just love them! And I got them for $5!

I also got a new cowboy hat in preparation for the dude ranch. We leave Sunday for Colorado for a family reunion this next week. I'll have to write about it when we get back :)

And this is just a cute picture of Haddie baby. She was on our paper towels so I had to get a picture with her :)

Have a great week!

Monday, July 19, 2010

Our New Home!

I thought I'd take you all on a little tour of our new home :) When we moved here we fully intended to move into a one bedroom apartment - we had booked it, finished all of the background checks, signed all of the paperwork, and everything. Once we started moving everything in we realized there was no way we were going to fit everything in! We made a run to the front office and they thankfully had some two-bedrooms available. The switch went very smoothly and we are so grateful we went for it!

Here is the outside. We are on the second floor.

This is what we look out on! A little man-made pond! Trent and I are making a habit of taking a walk around it every night before we go to bed (this picture only shows about half of it).
This is our lovely living room. We really can't stand the pure white walls throughout the apartment (boring!) so we are in the process of brainstorming some ideas of how we can bring some more color in (ideally without painting).

This is another angle. You can see the front door in this picture.

Here is our cute dining room! You can see our balcony in the background.

Obviously this is the kitchen :)

And the other side that looks out to the dining and living rooms.

This is just the hallway.

Our bedroom. After taking this picture we realized just how white our room is. We're hoping to put a cute wall decal up to add color. I'll have to take pictures when we do that :)

Just another angle.

Our bathroom.

The laundry room.

And lastly the guest bathroom. And yes we do have a guest bedroom, but it wasn't cute enough to take a picture of yet :) We would love visitors if anyone is ever down this way. Definitely give us a call!

Hope you enjoyed my little tour! We are loving our place! In an upcoming post I'll have to let you all know what I've learned about the heat since we've been here :)

Saturday, July 17, 2010

My Birdies!

So we've been here, Mesa, Arizona, for two weeks now! I promise I'll post pictures of our new place soon (which we love by the way!), but first I wanted to post this!

Before we moved down here there was a bird's nest in the tree in our front yard, which happened to be right below our bedroom balcony.

One afternoon Amy and Andrew were over and I decided it was time to peek in (I don't know why I hadn't earlier) and this is what we found!! So pretty, huh?!

A week later I had my sisters come down from Idaho and I invited my cousins in Provo over for a final get together/sleepover. I was excited to show them the nest, and when we peeked in we found that three of the eggs had hatched!

Trent was worried the fourth egg was dead, but the next day I found it had hatched. This is kind of a dark picture, but you can see all four of them in the nest, all snug as a bug :)

As you can see, at this point they didn't really have feathers yet and their eyes are pretty bulgy.

I would check on them everyday! I think this little birdie was hungry!

In these last two pictures you can really see their feathers coming in! Are they not adorable??

I miss them! I hope they're doing okay and behaving themselves and learning how to fly :)