Wednesday, May 2, 2012

It's been a year!

I meant to blog yesterday, but ran out of time.  Yesterday, May 1st, I realized that it had been a year since I had announced my pregnancy to the world (our immediate families already knew).  And you know how I realized it had been a year??  Because I had the news on yesterday afternoon and heard it had been a year since Osama bin Laden was killed..haha.  I remember being at my parent's house last year typing THIS blog post announcing my pregnancy when "BREAKING NEWS" started blinking across the t.v. screen announcing that bin Laden had been captured and killed.  Crazy, huh?!

Anyway, I can't believe it's been a year!  Now we have a healthy baby boy that's going to be 6 months in a few short weeks.  Time sure flies, but life is so good :)

Thought I better add some pictures.  They are from "nap time" last week, but clearly Aiden wasn't napping ;)  I went in to see what he was up to and he was sideways (I put him in with his head up by the turtle and the mirror). And just look at those thighs :)

A few minutes later he had turned this way...

...and then just a few minutes later he had turned this way..haha.

What a little stinker!  He is really starting to become mobile and is just starting to scootch.  He will be crawling before we know it.  Time to start baby-proofing!

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