Sunday, December 29, 2013

Our Christmas Card

We've been married now 5 and a half years and finally decided to send out Christmas cards this year for the first time!  It was so much fun for me to send them out!  Those who've sent us their Christmas cards got priority and then family, of course, so I'm sorry if we missed any of you!  I thought I'd post a picture for any of you that we did miss.

Sorry it's bad quality.  I just took a picture of our card.  It looks much better in person :/

We had our pictures taken at the beginning of November by photographer Monica Johnson, and that day Aiden wasn't cooperating AT. ALL.  We were so frustrated.  In fact, half an hour in, Monica even decided we should just reschedule because she was worried that we wouldn't like any of them and that we probably wouldn't want to use any of them for Christmas cards.  I was so bummed!!  She was so kind and said she'd send us what she got, but that she was pretty sure Aiden wasn't smiling in any of them (the formal ones with all of us looking at the camera).  A few weeks later she sent us a handful of photos she did get and I was so psyched!  I was totally pleased with them!!  I didn't even care that Aiden wasn't really smiling in our family picture!  At least we have the one with Daddy smooching him :)  So thank you to Monica!!  We'll definitely use her again!

I got a LivingSocial deal from PhotoAffections to have our cards printed up.  It was so fun to get it all laid out just how we wanted.  I was definitely happy with how our first Christmas card turned out :)  Hopefully we can keep it up every year in the years to come!!

P.S. I didn't know yet that we were having a GIRL(!) when we had the cards printed.  That's why it just says "Baby Knuckles" :)

1 comment:

  1. It makes me smile when I look at that beautiful card and remember how disgruntled all of you were (especially Aiden) with that photo session!! It was a miracle that it turned out so well :)


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