Monday, May 16, 2011

Celebrating 3 Years!

Today we have been married 3 years! 3 wonderful years! So much has happened since we first got married and I thought I'd share some of it with you!

<> A few months after we got married my parents moved from Virginia (where I was born and raised) to Arizona. The day after our wedding I was a crying mess because it was my last time in VA, at least while my family still lived there. It was so hard for me as Trent and I drove away from the house, the house that had so, so many memories associated with it. It still makes me so sad to think about that day.

<> On a happier note, we honeymooned in Jamaica and have since traveled quite a bit with my family

<> Trent and I both graduated from BYU and moved down to AZ

<> We bought a new car - new to us at least :)

<> If you can believe it, this is the fourth home we have lived in! I feel like we should be packing up and moving right now!

<> And now we're pregnant with our first little baby!!

I'll try not to get too sappy here, but I am so grateful that, of anyone, Trent has been along with me for the whole ride. He is one of the most patient and kind people you will ever meet. I am so lucky to have him! We are so very excited for this next year of our lives together :)

Love you so much sweet boy!

P.S. Click here to watch the picture slide show that my cousin Andrew put together for us. We had it playing at our wedding reception. I enjoyed watching it again a little earlier today :) It's not the best quality, but it's still fun to see I think! It's just on Facebook because I haven't been able to figure out how to save it to my computer.


  1. I love the slide show that Andrew put togther.
    For the longest time i couldn't watch it without crying.

  2. Yay Jess and Trent! I hope you had a fabulous anniversary! Marriage is seriously the best, don't ya think! And I can only imagine that it gets better and better with each passing year. What a fun post! :)

  3. Yeah I sure hope so, I miss AZ already and loved that ward. If you have any more questions at all about baby stuff let me know!!


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